
Student Life

  • Due to the aim of our university, student life at KNPU has different aspects comparing with general universities. Above all, students are required to wear uniforms during 4 years in school like other military academy. They can learn how to behave with dignity through uniformed and abstained lifestyle. Also, they live in dormitory mandatorily. By sharing residence accommodation,
    KNPU students would learn how to care and sacrifice for others, which is a necessary qualification to be a considerate leader. In addition, they should abide by rules and ethics of KNPU students, which are under rigid discipline.

    However, student life in KNPU is not just filled with those passive and strict rules, but is autonomous and energetic life as well. Although rigid rules should be followed, students govern themselves with various autonomous organizations, like ‘Student Union’, ‘Honor Commission’, which is essential to foster self-disciplined attitude as police officer. They can learn how to deal with various problems autonomically which would happen throughout their school days.

    KNPU students can also enjoy vigorous and liberal life as university students. Every spring, sports festival, named ‘Cheongram Athletic Festival’, is held on campus, which includes various sports like basketball, soccer, tug of war, etc. Also, campus festival is held on every autumn, which gives chance of giving off student’s passion. It consists of various club activities, performance and academic contest. Invited professional singers boost its fever and students enjoy the moment with their friends and family.
    With early morning rise for roll call, students start their tight schedule in KNPU. Students should meet the demands of required credit as well. Therefore, the life in KNPU is not easy at all, however, students will be able to graduate with competent capability as police junior leaders through undergoing those challenges.